
Define & develop the LEGACY PROJECT™️ 🎬📚🎙️ you want to be known & remembered for with expert award winning producing guidance by your side inside our 6 month mastermind for high level Artists & Entreprenuers. 

Only 5 Spots Available


Dream Driven


A 6-month mastermind for Artist & Entrepreneurs who are

Ready to pivot their career  & launch a new product, brand or service so they can
progress, profit, and prevail in their dream career. 

✧ Felt zero restriction in your ability to translate your skills & expertise no matter what industry, craft or trade

✧ Had utmost self trust and confidence in your ability to create multiple streams of income & create repeatable success no matter the circumstance

✧ Embodied absolute clarity and certainty in your dream career so that you can perform at world-class levels

✧ Knew exactly how to leverage your short-comings, turning your blind spots into personal and professional opportunities

What would your life and your career look like if you...

Let Me Ask You...

What if creating multiple streams of income so that you can sustain your artistry full time no matter- was in your control?

You've never pivoted your career, don't understand the steps and do not have a game plan to get there


Feel like you can't pivot your career because you've invested 5,10 or 15 + years establishing in a highly competitive field


Fears & anxiety you worked hard to erase come back up and get in the way during the most crucial times 


Unknowingly let subconscious traumas, limiting beliefs, and triggers get in the way of building your dream career


Never feel financially secure, constantly waiting for work/outsourcing your job stability to someone else budget, or time


Artist/Entrepreneur burnout; Feeling unaligned, unenergized, exhausted, deflated by having to make the necessary changes  


You're in a career or business plateau- current strategies, services or way of making money isn’t working 



But things may seem impossible right now 


Being prepared + opportunity = success

The formula to success

I’ve created a signature methodology called
dream driven™️ 

If the opportunity arises, are you  truly prepared for success?

And it's a game-changer. Artists & Entreprenuers who don't have it will simply underperform. Those that do will succeed  at WORLD CLASS LEVELS. 


WITH tamar



bi-weekly hot seat group coaching calls 
with  TAMAR



1 virtual retreat with expert guests


1 day in-person 
retreat in ca





marketing, sales and money management templates


6 high impact teaching modules
inside kajabi

Bi-monthly industry expert guest coaches

Only 5 spots available!



Today, my focus has evolved to channel my 15 years of award winning industry experience and entrepreneurial insights into empowering other passionate business owners & artists worldwide. My goal is to guide them in pivoting their careers, launching impactful brands, and achieving unparalleled success. I'm simply a stand for you & it's a pleasure to meet you.

I’m your mentor, Tamar.

✧ Increased my client’s revenue by 409% in 3 months

✧ Created two 6-figure businesses in 2 years in 2 different industries ($600K+ combined!)

✧ Helped a high achiever go from $4k months to creating $145,000 revenue in 6 months!

✧ Hit a Quarter of a Million in Revenue in 1.8 years during a worldwide pandemic

✧ Helped 100+ woman & men gain mental super health and start or scale their business from 0-$45,000 months

✧ Instilled confidence in sales in my clients by helping them own their value and understand the transformation they provide others on a deeper level

✧ Helped my clients attain $13k to $46k launches through my REPEATABLE Magnetic Mental Wealth Launch Framework

Some of the top business highlights I helped create since becoming a business owner in 2018 are: 

Business Highlights

✧ Helped my client create more income in just 2 days of her promotional launch than her entire previous year’s income, and tripling her income within the first month of working with us.

✧ Helped CEO’s transform their relationship with money, energetics, mental health, and boundaries so they can ENJOY their life and business more than ever.

✧ Helped my clients go from $5k months to $30k months in 4 months

✧ Healed myself from Debilitating PTSD and depression in 2017 while starting my first business.

✧ Award-Winning Producer in Film & Television for a decade before becoming an Entrepreneur

This Mastermind summarizes over 15 years of my award winning career, & covers all of the trial and errors of being a freelance artist, then entrepreneur & growing 2 successful  businesses  since 2018.

The Dream Driven mastermind

If that sounds interesting to you, I’d be happy to explain more. Feel free to pick any time from my calendar that would suit you for a chat.


A lot of our work in our initial program was helping me continue my mental health recovery, but also helped me start to build offers that resonated with me as a leader and who I who I am and how I wanted to show up. I didn't hear people talking about in the coaching market. And so you've really helped me think differently about my suite of products and how they play into my vision for having a business school. 

"You've really helped me think differently...."

Donnie Hill

One of the hugest transformations that you helped me with was starting to see sales as a service. We're not trying to force everyone in the world to get into this offer. We're not trying to bamboozle anyone into getting something that's not right for them, but it’s about getting super clear on who my dream client is.

"One of the hugest transformations...."

Francesca Loux

I had a lot of quantum leaps in my life. Because I had you there. I had this coach who was seeing me, understanding me, meeting me where I was at, and guiding me through the haze. The haze which we talked about was heavy and dark energy. And I did not have to face that alone.

" I had this coach who was seeing me."


Working with Tamar has transformed my life! She is a bad ass entrepreneur AND strong heart centered intuitive woman. Her vision is clear and has supported me in cutting through my limitations and supporting me in creating a foundation for my business to support my mental health healing as well as my financial sovereignty. She has supported and believed In me every step of the day! I have such a deep gratitude for this soul sister so blessed to know her co - create with her in her powerful containers.

"Working with Tamar has transformed my life!"

nat woeppel

Tamar allows for us to self realize what it is we truly desire from this lifetime. Therefore, bringing us together to heal our mental illness, body + soulful business is the ultimate plan for success! Having a group of beings to mirror one another is just another beautiful way of community, + pair that with Tamar's business expertise to keep us in line! I would recommend this to so many others.

"Tamar allows for us to self realize what it is we truly desire from this lifetime. "

dan arhakos

Working with Tamar has been transformational for me and my business. I’ve learned how to put my own health and healing first and step into the embodiment of an abundant business babe! Building a business that supports me in my healing and allows for those times where I need to step back and turn inwards. Thank you Tamar!

"Working with Tamar has been transformational for me "

avery messina








Hear what our clients have to say!



pay in full

payment plan

private business intensive

Our signature 90 minute intensive is a laser focused, life changing sessions that help you collapse the time between thought and action. Receive a one-to-one session where you and Tamar will find biggest gap in your marketing and sales strategy that are leaving 5-6 figures of profit a month on the table. 

private 1:1 mentorship

Over 6 months, work with Tamar over 12 ‘choose your own adventure’ sessions including: Beginning & scalable business building, leveraging additional income streams with strategic online marketing, increasing ROI & profitability, scaling operations and monetizing social media.

pay in full

payment plan

Mental Super Health Mastermind
